I don’t know about you but when I was a kitten, our Christmas morning was a fairly sedated affair because my parents were children of the Depression era. They didn’t have a whole lot when they were children, so Santa didn’t overwhelm the family with gifts. I guess Santa was emphasizing the time-tested message - “focus on what’s important.” I know - family, love, health, etc. And of course, the baby Jesus.

If Santa brought me a new food dish, a toy to toss around, and a new ball of string to abuse, that was a good year. I don’t think any of us really want to get what we deserve. By the way, I always wondered how Santa got in the house because we didn’t have a chimney. Someone said the parents leave Santa a key. I don’t really buy into that one. Another one of the mysteries of life.

I’m mentioning the presents because around here, these cats had the gifts piled high even before Santa slipped down the chimney. With Santa’s presents, they had so many presents to open that they took a couple of breaks from opening presents to nibble on some food.

This reminds me that just two months ago, I had so much stuff that it filled up our house. We got rid of so many things - even some of my favorite things. Now, I hardly miss it. I make do. Two months ago, if I wanted some me time, I would climb my tower and snuggle into a little cat ball and sleep the day away. Now, I can stretch out in front of my fireplace or on my sofa and sleep the day away. Wow! See that? I’m doing the same thing I love - just in a different place. It’s been a little freeing to be perfectly candid.

You all know that the new year arrived. We celebrated with balloons, sparkly things, some bubbly, and shiny clothes. I wore a shimmery something and Buster was dressed in his tuxedo. I’ve never been much for making resolutions. For instance, for lent, I usually resolve to give up religious observances. Well, this year, I think I will resolve to be more kind. What if everybody would make that same resolution? As one of my favorite humans in the world, the recently passed Desmond Tutu, said, “Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”


I can sleep like this unless someone interrupts me.

TastesGene ChapmanComment